The method allows you to download orders from a specific date from the BaseLinker order manager. The order list can be limited using the filters described in the method parameters. A maximum of 100 orders are returned at a time.It is recommended to download only confirmed orders (get_unconfirmed_orders = false). Unconfirmed orders may be incomplete. The user may be, for example, in the process of creating an order - it already exists in the database, but not all information is completed. Unconfirmed orders may contain only a partial list of products and may be changed soon. Confirmed orders usually do not change anymore and can be safely downloaded to an external system.
The best way to download the ongoing orders is:
Collecting new order identifiers using getJournalList.
Or, using this method:
1. Setting the starting date and specifying it in the date_confirmed_from field
2. Processing of all received orders. If 100 orders are received, there may be even more to download.
3. Downloading the next package of orders by entering the value of the date_confirmed field from last downloaded order in the date_confirmed_from field. In order to avoid downloading the same orders value of date_confirmed should be increased by 1 second. This operation is repeated until you receive a package with less than 100 orders (this means that there are no more orders left to download).
4. Saving the date_confirmed last processed order. You can download orders from this date onwards so that you do not download the same order twice. It is not possible for an order to 'jump' into the database with an earlier confirmation date. This way you can be sure that all confirmed orders have been downloaded.
Input parameters
Output data:
A sample request in PHP:
order_id | int | (optional) Order identifier. Completing this field will download information about only one specific order. |
date_confirmed_from | int | (optional) Date of order confirmation from which orders are to be collected. Format unix time stamp. |
date_from | int | (optional) The order date from which orders are to be collected. Format unix time stamp. |
id_from | int | (optional) The order ID number from which subsequent orders are to be collected. |
get_unconfirmed_orders | bool | (optional, false by default) Download unconfirmed orders as well (this is e.g. an order from Allegro to which the customer has not yet completed the delivery form). Default is false. Unconfirmed orders may not be complete yet, the shipping method and price is also unknown. |
include_custom_extra_fields | bool | (optional, false by default) Download values of custom additional fields. |
status_id | int | (optional) The status identifier from which orders are to be collected. Leave blank to download orders from all statuses. |
filter_email | varchar(50) | (optional) Filtering of order lists by e-mail address (displays only orders with the given e-mail address). |
filter_order_source | varchar(20) | (optional) Filtering of order lists by order source, for instance "ebay", "amazon" (displays only orders come from given source). The list of order sources can be retrieved with getOrderSources method. |
filter_order_source_id | int | (optional) Filtering of order lists by order source identifier, for instance "2523" (displays only orders come from order source defined in "filter_order_source" identified by given order source identifier). Filtering by order source indentifier requires "filter_order_source" to be set prior. The list of order source identifiers can be retrieved with getOrderSources method. |
Output data
The method returns the data in JSON format.
status | varchar(30) | SUCCESS - request executed correctly ERROR - an error occurred during an API request. Error details will be described in 2 additional returned fields: error_message and error_code |
orders | array | An array of information about the orders found. Each order is described by the fields listed below. |
order_id | int | Order Identifier from BaseLinker order manager |
shop_order_id | int | Order ID given by the store |
external_order_id | varchar(50) | An order identifier taken from an external source. e.g. the order number in the store, or the eBay transaction number. |
order_source | varchar(20) | Order source - available values: "shop", "personal", "order_return" or "marketplace_code" e.g. "ebay", "amazon", "ceneo", "emag", "allegro", etc. |
order_source_id | int | Source ID (e.g. internal allegro account ID, internal shop ID, etc.). Unique only in combination with the "order_source" field (e.g. an ebay account and an allegro account may have the same ID, but two ebay accounts always have different IDs) |
order_source_info | varchar(200) | Description of the order source - e.g. shop address or eBay seller nickname (field currently unavailable!) |
order_status_id | int | Order status (the list available to retrieve with getOrderStatusList) |
date_add | int | Date of order creation (in unix time format) |
date_confirmed | int | Order confirmation date if confirmed (unix time format) |
date_in_status | int | Date from which the order is in current status (unix time format) |
confirmed | bool | Flag indicating if the order is confirmed. |
user_login | varchar(100) | Allegro or eBay user login |
currency | char(3) | 3-letter currency symbol (e.g. EUR, PLN) |
payment_method | varchar(100) | Payment method |
payment_method_cod | varchar(1) | Flag indicating whether the type of payment is COD (cash on delivery): "1" - yes, "0" - no |
payment_done | float | Amount paid |
user_comments | varchar(1000) | Buyer comments |
admin_comments | varchar(200) | Seller comments |
varchar(150) | Buyer e-mail address | |
phone | varchar(100) | Buyer phone number |
delivery_method | varchar(100) | Delivery method name |
delivery_price | float | Gross delivery price |
delivery_package_module | varchar(20) | Courier name (if the shipment was created) |
delivery_package_nr | varchar(40) | Shipping number (if the shipment was created) |
delivery_fullname | varchar(100) | Delivery address - name and surname |
delivery_company | varchar(100) | Delivery address - company |
delivery_address | varchar(156) | Delivery address - street and number |
delivery_postcode | varchar(100) | Delivery address - postcode |
delivery_city | varchar(100) | Delivery address - city |
delivery_state | varchar(20) | Delivery address - state/province |
delivery_country | varchar(50) | Delivery address - country |
delivery_country_code | char(2) | Delivery address - country code (two-letter, e.g. EN) |
delivery_point_id | varchar(40) | Pick-up point delivery - pick-up point identifier |
delivery_point_name | varchar(100) | Pick-up point delivery - pick-up point name |
delivery_point_address | varchar(100) | Pick-up point delivery - pick-up point address |
delivery_point_postcode | varchar(100) | Pick-up point delivery - pick-up point postcode |
delivery_point_city | varchar(100) | Pick-up point delivery - pick-up point city |
invoice_fullname | varchar(200) | Billing details - name and surname |
invoice_company | varchar(200) | Billing details - company |
invoice_nip | varchar(100) | Billing details - Vat Reg. no./tax number |
invoice_address | varchar(250) | Billing details - street and house number |
invoice_postcode | varchar(20) | Billing details - postcode |
invoice_city | varchar(100) | Billing details - city |
invoice_state | varchar(20) | Billing details - state/province |
invoice_country | varchar(50) | Billing details - country |
invoice_country_code | char(2) | Billing details - country code (two-letter, e.g. EN) |
want_invoice | varchar(1) | Flag indicating whether the customer wants an invoice: "1" - yes, "0" - no |
extra_field_1 | varchar(50) | Value of the "extra field 1". - the seller can store any information there |
extra_field_2 | varchar(50) | Value of the "extra field 2". - the seller can store any information there |
custom_extra_fields | array | A list containing order custom extra fields returned only if the input parameters include_custom_extra_fields is set to true, where the key is the extra field ID and value is an extra field content for given extra field. The list of extra fields can be retrieved with getOrderExtraFields method. In case of file the following format is returned as value: { "title": "file.pdf" (varchar(40) - the file name) "url": "" (url - the file url) } |
order_page | varchar(150) | Order information page address |
pick_state | int | Flag indicating the status of the order products collection (1 - all products have been collected, 0 - not all products have been collected) |
pack_state | int | Flag indicating the status of the order products packing (1 - all products have been packed, 0 - not all products have been packed) |
products | array | An array of order products. Each element of the array is also an array containing fields: storage (varchar(9)) - type of product source storage (available values: "db" - BaseLinker internal catalog, "shop" - online shop storage, "warehouse" - the connected wholesaler) storage_id (int) - the identifier of the storage (inventory/shop/warehouse) from which the product comes. order_product_id (int) - ID of order item from BaseLinker order manager product_id (varchar(50)) - product identifier in BaseLinker or shop storage. Blank if the product number is unknown variant_id (varchar(30)) - Product variant ID. Blank if the variant number is unknown name (varchar(130)) - Product name sku (varchar(50)) - Product sku ean (varchar(32)) - Product ean location (varchar(50)) - Product location warehouse_id (int) - Product source warehouse identifier. Only applies to products from BaseLinker inventory. auction_id (varchar(50)) - Listing ID number (if the order comes from ebay/allegro) attributes (varchar(350)) - The detailed product attributes, e.g. "Colour: blue" (Variant name) price_brutto (float) - Single item gross price tax_rate (float) - VAT tax rate e.g. "23", (value from range 0-100, EXCEPTION values: "-1" for "EXPT"/"ZW" exempt from VAT, "-0.02" for "NP" annotation, "-0.03" for "OO" VAT reverse charge) quantity (int) - Quantity of pieces weight (float) - Single item weight bundle_id (int) - ID of the bundle that was split to aquire this order item. Only applies to bundles from BaseLinker inventory. Returns 0 if the product was not aquired from splitting a bundle. |
Input data:Output data:
A sample request in PHP: